NYCLA Committees

The following is a list of our committees. Please click on the name of a committee below to view its description, officers and members.

Civil Court Practice Section

CIVIL COURT PRACTICE SECTION Works closely with the public and private sectors in dealing with all issues related to the Civil Court. Section Dues of $25 are required.

Committee on Administrative Law And Regulatory Practice

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND REGULATORY PRACTICE These include not only traditional admiralty litigation but also maritime finance, corporate and operational structures for ship owners and operators, oil pollution laws and governmental regulatory policies. 

Committee on ADR

NYCLA's ADR Committee studies all matters affecting the field of arbitration, mediation, conciliation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution, including review of current and proposed legislation. The committee also follows developments in alternative dispute resolution generally and interviews applicants for arbitrators in the Small Claims Court.

Committee on Animal Law

NYCLA's ANIMAL LAW Committee focuses on legal issues affecting animals and persons with an interest in animals, including the intersection of animal law and other practice areas such as criminal, housing, tort, trusts and estates, matrimonial and international law.

Committee on Anti-Trust and Trade Regulation

NYCLA's ANTI-TRUST AND TRADE REGULATION Committee examines issues relating to antitrust, civil RICO, unfair advertising and unfair competition laws. 

Committee on Appellate Courts

NYCLA's APPELLATE COURTS Committee studies the structure and workings of the U.S. Court of Appeals, and the various appellate courts of New York  State.  It invites membership from those who have substantial appellate experience or served as judicial law clerks in appellate courts.

Committee on Art Law

NYCLA's ART LAW Committee addresses important legal issues and developments impacting the art world on a daily basis, including, among others, legal issues relating to the authenticity of art, copyright, moral rights, title, and business transactions. 

Committee on Asian Practice

NYCLA's ASIAN PRACTICE Committee promotes legal and business communications between New York and Asian countries. Members share experiences and insights about Asian law, interact with lawyers in Asia and grow Asia-related practices. 

Committee on Banking

NYCLA's BANKING Committee concerns itself with questions arising under the federal and state banking laws, legislation, regulatory proposals by the banking agencies, judicial decisions, developments in transactional practice, and other matters of interest to banking lawyers.  The committee monitors and discusses in these areas and occasionally issue reports. 

Committee on Bankruptcy Law

NYCLA's BANKRUPTCY LAW Committee concerns itself with procedure and business of the U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, including the practice before bankruptcy judges. It also focuses on the particular problems and issues that arise in bankruptcies. The committee reviews Amendments to the Bankruptcy Code and other changes in rules that would have an impact on consumer debtors. 

Committee on Civil Rights and Liberties

NYCLA's CIVIL RIGHTS AND LIBERTIES Committee reviews legislation, matters affecting rights guaranteed by the New York State and Federal constitutions, and other civil rights issues. 

Committee on Construction Law

NYCLA's CONSTRUCTION LAW Committee explores current legal issues affecting owners, contractors and design professionals in connection with public and private construction projects. 

Committee on Corporations, LLCs, and Partnerships

NYCLA's CORPORATIONS, LLCs, and PARTNERSHIPS Committee reviews state and federal legislation and all matters pertaining to corporation law. 

Committee on Criminal Justice

NYCLA's CRIMINAL JUSTICE Committee concerns itself with the study and reform of the criminal justice system. Section membership includes public and private sector attorneys representing the defense and prosecution bars as well as judges, court administrators and law faculty.  Provides opportunities for collegial interaction among members, presents forums on a wide array of topics of current interest and sponsors training seminars to enhance the caliber of practice in the criminal law field.  Committed to educating the public concerning the proper functioning of the criminal justice system and to defending judges and practitioners in the field who are subjected to irresponsible attacks by the media. 

Committee on Education Law

NYCLA's EDUCATION LAW Committee explores legal and policy issues relating to public and private schools (pre-school to university level) and related education issues, including those dealing with teachers, administrators and students.

Committee on Elder Law

NYCLA's ELDER LAW Committee studies issues pertaining to the legal needs of elderly persons, including Medicaid, Medicare and other health benefits, trusts and estates, guardian-ships, advance directives and consumer rights.  The committee also reviews relevant legislation. 

Committee on Election Law

NYCLA's ELECTION LAW Committee monitors proposed changes in the present New York Election Law and makes recommendations on proposed legislation. 

Committee on Environmental Law

NYCLA's ENVIRONMENTAL LAW Committee studies all matters relating to natural resources, environmental issues and conservation efforts, and related legislation. 

Committee on Family Court and Child Welfare

NYCLA's FAMILY COURT AND CHILD WELFARE Committee concerns itself with legislation and substantive law, the conduct of the judiciary, and general matters regarding the Family Court.  Focuses on child custody diversion and mediation, the quality of life in Family Court and relevant legislation. 

Committee on Federal Courts

NYCLA's FEDERAL COURTS Committee concerns itself with legislation, procedure and business of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, and the facilities of the Federal courthouse.  Also considers matters pertaining to the District Court for the Eastern District of New York of importance to practice in metropolitan New York. 

Committee on Foreign & International Law

NYCLA's FOREIGN AND INTERNATIONAL LAW Committee reviews legislation and all questions of international law.  Hosts meetings and receipts for visiting lawyers from foreign countries and issues reports.

Committee on Health Law

NYCLA's HEALTH LAW Committee concerns itself with developments in all aspects of health law, including patients’ rights, medical malpractice, medical insurance, and private and government health benefit plans

Committee on Immigration and Nationality

NYCLA's IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY Committee concerns itself with legislation and questions pertaining to the laws of immigration and naturalization.  Current developments in immigration law are discussed and expert speakers are invited to address the members on specialization topics. 

Committee on Inclusion of Intl Lawyers in the US Legal Prof

NYCLA's INCLUSION OF INTERNATONAL LAWYERS IN THE US LEGAL PROFESSION Committee organizes CLEs and workshops dedicated to the legal careers of international lawyers in the U.S., highlight issues facing the international lawyers through statement and reports, and develop other programming to promote the successful integration of international lawyers in the U.S. 

Committee on In-House/Outside Counsel

NYCLA's IN-HOUSE/OUTSIDE COUNSEL Committee provides a forum in which in-house counsel from businesses and not-for-profit organizations can interact with law firm practitioners. The focus of the group will be the dissemination and sharing of information and best practices, as well as the discussion of corporate issues, litigation strategies, legislative agendas, and regulatory and policy issues that impact in-house lawyers.

Committee on Insurance Law

NYCLA's INSURANCE LAW Committee considers legislation, decisions, and practices in the insurance field, aids those practicing law involving insurance issues, and monitors developments regarding lawyers’ professional liability insurance. 

Committee on Labor Relations & Employment Law

NYCLA's LABOR RELATIONS AND EMPLOYMENT LAW Committee explores a wide variety of topical  management and labor and employment issues with well known guest speakers. Reviews litigation, policy and legislative issues concerning the law of the workplace.  

Committee on Law and Literature

NYCLA's LAW AND LITERATURE Committee discusses law and literature issues of interest in books, plays, short stories and poems. 

Committee on Law and Technology

NYCLA's LAW AND TECHNOLOGY Committee addresses issues such as privacy (electronic and genetic), security, biometrics, jurisdiction, B2B, auctions, franchising, e-contracting, and ubiquitous molecular computing within the borderless environment of cyberspace.  In addition, the committee acts on legislation addressing these issues.

Committee on Law-Related Education

NYCLA's LAW-RELATED EDUCATION Committee develops and implements programs to acquaint students and the community with the legal and judicial system. Participates in the state-wide mock trial competitions for high school students and its members have adopted high schools throughout the city where they discuss the workings of the legal system.  It also works with the NYC Department of Education and other organizations to bring the law to the community.

Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues

NYCLA's LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER ISSUES IN THE LAW Committee focuses on issues relating to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons in the legal profession and in society. 

Committee on Non-Profit Organizations

NYCLA's NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS Committee concerns itself with the legal questions raised by the operation and formation of non- profit organizations, as well as matters related to the funding of those organizations.  Provides a meeting place for those involved at different levels with non-profit organizations from day-to day operations to management advice to the creation of merged entities.

Committee on Professional Ethics

NYCLA's PROFESSIONAL ETHICS Committee responds to inquiries from lawyers with respect to the ethical propriety of their own proposed conduct.  It provides telephone advice to attorneys who require quick guidance with respect to ethical problems.  It publishes opinions and may write reports on a wide variety of issues involving standards of professional conduct.

Committee on Professionalism and Professional Discipline

NYCLA's PROFESSIONALISM AND PROFESSIONAL DISCIPLINE Committee studies all matters affecting professional licensing and discipline, including the standards for adjudging professional misconduct and available mechanisms for improving professional conduct. 

Committee on Racial and Ethnic Diversity

NYCLA's RACIAL AND ETHNIC DIVERSITY Committee xamines all issues of relevance to minority attorneys and law students. Oversees the Minority Judicial Internship Program of the Association and the Haywood Burns Lecture.  Sponsors forums on issues that have particular interest for and about lawyers and people of color. 

Committee on Securities and Exchanges

NYCLA's SECURITIES AND EXCHANGES Committee reviews recent developments in federal and state regulation of securities, including proposed and enacted federal and state legislation, regulations administered by the SEC, NYSE, ASE, NASD and AG of NYS, and judicial and administrative determinations. 

Committee on Solo and Small Firm Practice

NYCLA's SOLO AND SMALL FIRM PRACTICE Committee supports solo and small firm practitioners through improving the quality of the professional lives of its members; advising practitioners about programs and available services; sponsoring free evening seminars; and maintaining a mentoring program to assist less experienced practitioners. 

Committee on Supreme Court

NYCLA's SUPREME COURT Committee reviews legislation and recommends action regarding procedure, business and facilities of the Supreme Court of the State of New York.  It holds monthly dinner meetings that always include a guest speaker. 

Committee on Taxation

NYCLA's TAXATION Committee proposes and reviews legislation on questions pertaining to federal, state and municipal taxation.

Committee on Tort Law

NYCLA's TORT LAW Committee is designed to attract both plaintiffs’ and defendants’ lawyers who are involved in any tort-related  practice. Prepares reports on issues of concern to tort practitioners and the courts, comments on proposed legislation, and sponsors continuing legal education programs.

Committee on Women in the Law

NYCLA's WOMEN IN THE LAW Committee works to assure equal rights and opportunities for women, provides a forum for discussing legal issues affecting women, and provides resources and support for female lawyers to help them succeed in the profession. 

Entertainment, Media, Intellectual Property & Sports Section

NYCLA's ENTERTAINMENT, MEDIA, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND SPORTS LAW Section focuses on legal issues and legislation in the media, communications, entertainment, sports and intellectual property fields.  The section also holds public forums and sponsors continuing legal education programs. Annual section dues of $25 required.

Estates, Trusts and Surrogate's Court Practice Section

NYCLA's ESTATES, TRUSTS AND SURROGATE’S COURT PRACTICE Section reviews legislation of interest to Trusts and Estates practitioners and makes recommendations about issues affecting the administration of the Surrogate’s Courts.  Present speakers, both in forums and in meetings, and sponsor continuing legal education programs.  Members have an opportunity to meet and work with colleagues, including practitioners, court personnel and present and form Surrogates. Annual section dues of $25 required. 

Judicial Section

NYCLA's JUDICIAL SECTION (Judicial Members Only) Provides the Association and its committees with important input from members of the judiciary. The Section is open only to current and former members of the judiciary.

Matrimonial Law Section

NYCLA's MATRIMONIAL LAW Section provides an opportunity for attorneys who have an interests in matrimonial law to generate and exchange ideas, address matters of interest and concern, receive updated information regarding cases, legislation and court rules, and work with other attorneys on projects designed to improve the law and the administration of justice in the  matrimonial law area.  Members include attorneys in the public and private sector, Justices of the Supreme Court and Judges of the Family Court and Special Referees. Annual section dues of $25 required.

Real Property Section

NYCLA's REAL PROPERTY LAW Section is designed for attorneys involved with any aspect of real estate law. Annual dues of $25 required.

Young Lawyers Section

NYCLA's YOUNG LAWYERS Section seeks to facilitate the transition of law students, law graduates and newly admitted attorneys into the profession by providing a comfortable forum for the exchange of ideas. Annual dues of $10 required.  Law student and law graduates can join at no cost.